This is the 100th day of Social Leadership Daily, and the time has flown by. I started this publication out of the desire to create a very practical, reflective, community and space for practitioners of Social Leadership. Not just a space for ideas, but one for action, if only in the smallest of actions.
My work on Social Leadership was first published in the Social Leadership Handbook back in 2014, with a second edition in 2017, but parts of it are unrecognizable today. Some aspects have come to the fore, and others have sunk out of sight, and that is as it should be.
To be ‘in practice’ is to evolve: not to learn to do something once and then mindlessly repeat it, but rather to iterate our thinking and action, to adapt to context and circumstance, to add layers of sophistication to our reasoning, and simplicity to our action.
There is also a liberating freshness to this space for me: i have deliberately kept is easy, only asking you for sixty seconds a day. This is important to form habits: both for me in the creation, and for practitioners in action. You cannot change everything at once, but you can change small things every single day.
I intend to be ambitious with this work and community through 2022: growing the community and diversity of the work. With that in mind i will be adding in some new formats for different days, as well as community events and activities.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider what you have left behind: things that you used to believe, used to do, used to think, but which suit you no longer. Are you able to see the change in yourself, and in others? And if so, over what timeframes?
If you enjoy this work, please share it, and if you have questions or thoughts, please reach out anytime.