Today is an Action Day. On this journey into Social Leadership we should regularly pause and take action: the smallest of actions, but with clear intent.
You can use your sixty seconds today to do one of the following small things:
Talk to someone about trust - perhaps a new member of the team, or someone you have known a long time - as our work contexts have evolved, often becoming more tech led and remote, has trust changed at all?
Reach out in gratitude - yes, not the first time we have talked about this, but to reach out in gratitude is one of the simplest and smallest things to do, and yet one of the most impactful for the person who you connect with. Remember, when you reach out in gratitude, it’s often worth saying ‘what’ and ‘why’ - thank you for this thing you did, it has enabled me to achieve this…
Take a small action for yourself: use your time to ‘fix’ one thing in your current workspace - something you need to tidy, to unsubscribe from, to read, to write. Try to choose something that will have an impact on you today - something you will feel good about.
These things are all small - and that’s how it should be when we are considering leadership in the smallest of actions, within an Organisation that acts as an ecosystem. Small things can leave the landscape healthier.
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