Today is St Valentines Day in some parts of the world, a day when we traditionally send secret cards or gifts to those who we love.
Love is important: so important that it crops up in lots of different places.
When we enjoy a meal, we say that we love it. When we really want to see someone, we would love to catch up. And when i carried out the research into Trust, as part of the Landscape of Trust research project, some people described ‘trust’ as operating like ‘love’.
They said that they would hang out with someone, and at some point they realised that what had blossomed between them was Trust.
Not everyone shared this view though, which tells us something important about love: it may be in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes people don’t share it, and sometimes people (or Organisations) don’t deserve it.
Use your sixty seconds today to spend on someone special: write them a note, think of them or be brave and tell them how you feel. And if you don’t have someone else special in your life right now, spend that time on yourself. After all: chocolate is forever.
Later this year sees the launch of Radical Interpretations: a magazine exploring ‘Imagined Futures’. You can read more here.