Consider risk: what it is, how it’s held, how it’s paid for, and our role, as leaders, to trade in it or avoid it.
Some risk is held at boundaries: rules and laws give a clear position, and to move beyond that position is risky. Other risk is held in beliefs or opinions, and the boundary may be less clear: what does a group belief, what is the consensus opinion, what does someone else think? Navigating this type of risk is harder, and typically we carry out small actions to gauge the reaction and chart the space.
Use your sixty seconds today to answer this question: what is the role of a leader when it comes to risk?
Is your role to ‘deal’ with it, to ‘adopt’ it, to ‘give’ it, or something else?
It’s easy to imagine that ‘risk’ is something held in formal leadership more so than social, and yet much of our ‘risk’ is held in reputation based consequence or judgement, and hence social.
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