It’s easy to fall in love, but equally easy to hate, and sometimes we rush to one, or the other, end of the spectrum.
When we hear new ideas, meet new people, start to think about new subjects, or consider the end state of change, we can form an opinion fast, and that opinion is rarely ‘i will give it time’.
We form an initial frame around the ‘new’, and then tend to rapidly rationalise or reinforce it. Once that first frame is imposed, it’s quite hard to change it, because our subsequent thinking can literally be trapped within it.
This is one space where Community, or the right type of Community, is valuable: not simply people who will agree with you, but those who will challenge. Sometimes it takes a best friend to ‘tell you the truth you need to hear’.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: where do you hear voices of validation, and where can you find challenge?
Is it the same space, or different ones - can the same person do both, or are those modes of feedback differentiated somehow?
Does trust, experience, history, or even seniority, play a role in this?