
One truth is not the only truth: your experience of a system, and my experience, may differ. You may find it kind, whilst i may find it oppressive.

The ways we experience systems, otherwise known as ‘culture’, can give us the sense that we are omnipotent, that we can see the whole landscape, when in fact we simply see one view of it, from our own perspective.

Or to put it another way, we tend to operate in the light, but we live in landscapes full of shadows.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider how you would hear an alternative view.

It may be easier to think of culture not as one monumental thing, but rather as a whole series of islands that exist within one ocean. It is possible to move between them, and from some you can see another. But you can only live on one at a time, and a map, whilst giving you knowledge, does not give you lived experience.

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