I realise i have been remiss in not giving us an Action Day for a while.
Today, simply delete this email and take action, in your team, tribe, or broader community.
Maybe you offer help or support, or fix something, or throw something away.
Maybe you send a note to say ‘thank you’, or lend someone a book they will value (or return one you borrowed…).
Perhaps you can offer a gentle challenge to a friend, or reach out to reconcile with a foe.
Take action: put your Social Leadership into practice.
NOW: before you delete this email, i have a few other things to share…
If you would be willing to share your experiences of Social Leadership in Practice for another of our ‘In conversations’ days, please let me know (you can reply to this email) - it involves a simple set of questions by email, or a short call.
We have our first ‘In Practice’ community gathering coming up for the subscribers of this publication - you can find the details here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/social-leadership-daily-in-practice-registration-309886979297?aff=odcleoeventsincollection