
I’m back into a hotel this week, and reminded that whilst some spaces are inhabited, others are inherently transitional. As i sit writing today, an airline crew comes through, a group of doctors on a training event, and a military group, stopping briefly overnight. Alongside these, a range of retirees, presumably sightseeing. Nobody lives here, and hence all community is transient.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider the spaces you will be in, today: how many are permanent, how many transient, and if so, how do they differ?

Do we behave differently in these spaces - are we outsiders, or temporary members? What, if any, interaction is there between these mobile communities?

And what about the people who work here: they are a community too, but one that never finds permanent connection with us - their role is to connect, to welcome, and to repeat it endlessly. Is that an authentic action, or simply a theatrical routine?

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