I’m on the move today, off the airport, off to the States for a conference next week. I’m still very rusty at packing, after two years when i put the bags in the attic and never once wore a shirt.
I think i have everything: i made a list, and then i just threw everything into the biggest bag i could find.
Normally my style is to travel light, but that was before the baby stole my time, so now i’m just going to use the weight allowance to the fullest.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider what you would not want to leave behind: your iPad, a good book, your best friend, or a pack of plasters?
Some things travel everywhere with me (my iPad and a pen for starters), but other things i pick up according to need. Some things we just pack out of habit, or carry forward as our bag gets ever heavier.
What’s really important for you?
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