Over on the blog this week i have been writing about dormant social networks: groups that have fallen silent. But not fallen apart.
‘Social Capital’ is one of the names used to describe the ways that social groups are bonded: just because a group completes it’s initial purpose, of falls dormant, does not mean that the social capital is diminished or corroded. It may simply be waiting to be used again.
We are all connected to many networks, but only a subset of them are active. Some truly do fall by the wayside, connections fade from memory, but some persist, and some we should seek to maintain.
Use your 60 seconds today to consider a community or network that has fallen silent, or dormant. Is there someone within that community that you had a great connection with? Reach out to them to reconnect.
One advantage of these legacy networks is that they may be diverse: our current work and active networks may reflect our current challenges and goals, but connections in the pre-cursor networks may be more diverse.
Remaining connected, or reconnecting, may help us link up different spaces, and interconnect between new ones, all of which strengthen our ability to make sense of things, and to draw upon diverse expertise.