Today i am launching the Kickstarter for ‘The Humble Leader’, a crowd funder to publish the first edition of this guided reflection for Social Leaders. I hope you will forgive me if, today, i use our sixty seconds to share this work with you.
I’ve created this book as what i hope is a beautiful artefact: a space to write or draw in, to use yourself, or to share with others. A space to #WorkOutLoud and find your own truth.
There are no answers in this work, no clever insights or simple truths. Rather, i share my own journey, and hope that it provides a sketch map for others to build upon.
You can find out more about the Kickstarter Campaign here.
Well: i cannot forgive myself for taking up this space for my own benefit alone, so let me give you a question. Today i am excited.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider what excites you, and whether excitement is an exception, or a feature within, your work.
Does excitement give you energy, and if so, how do you share, or trade it, with others?
Thank you all for your support of my work around Social Leadership: here and elsewhere.
This community has been growing rapidly of late, so whether you were here from Day #1, or have joined more recently, you are very welcome in this space, to be ‘in practice’.
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