
Yesterday i asked you to consider the language we use to describe a system: sometimes we say things like ‘i believe that…’, or ‘i feel that…’, or even ‘i hope that…’

These are natural words to use within complex systems that we cannot fully comprehend, direct, or control. We seek to change them to our will, or according to our need, and we describe what we desire or see in general terms.

Hence it is always our fate to generalise from our specific experience: i feel that this is true, because to me it feels true. But to recognise that my ‘feeling’ is not a universal value.

Use your sixty seconds today to think of a situation where someone else’s feeling may be different from your own, but that you would never know.

Perhaps when you have felt that change, in your reality, would feel good, but that you do not know their reality. Or when you believe that things will be ok, but perhaps that belief is anchored in your own knowledge, circumstance, and hence personal context.

The trick here is to try to identify something that felt like a universal truth, but which was, perhaps in hindsight, a personal perspective.

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