Today is Day #199 of Social Leadership Daily - which i realise means i need something special to come on Monday for #200!
This work has been an experiment: i wanted to focus on being ‘in practice’, as a community, but also to have a more relaxed and informal space to find my voice around this Social Leadership work.
The video has been an easy format - ok so i know the quality can be a bit shaky at times - and i do plan to improve my setup on that - but for now what i’m enjoying is how easily it fits into my workflow, and perhaps at sixty seconds into yours too!
This is still an embryonic community: i just checked and there are just 424 of us here, so a tiny fraction of some of my other spaces - and yet a very engaged space. Everyday i get comments and questions, and i feel more ‘connected’ here than in other spaces.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider how you feel connected in different spaces: do they tend to be formal and visible, or hidden and social, or a mixture? Can you identify any specific feature of the space that makes you feel like this? Or any feature that we, as Social Leaders, should work on?
Ok - i’ll see you on Monday for #200. Have a great weekend!
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