Graffiti can be the last voice that people have, when all others are silenced or taken away. A voice claimed in the edge-land spaces, the hidden alleyways and under bridges. A voice that is anonymised and secret, and hence safe.
We can imagine that we have a range of voices: ones that are sponsored by systems (your ‘formal’ voice, the one that you are allowed to use, but only to tell ‘accepted’ stories). Your ‘community’ voices, the ones used in different spaces, equally limited but more diverse. Your trusted voices: ones that may challenge you, or tell you truths you need to hear.
And your inner voice: the one that whispers to you, that hold both pride and guilt.
Some voices sanctioned, some subversive, some simply silenced.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider the voices that you hold, and with which ones you sing, and which you shout. And any that you silence.
You can read more about ‘voice’ here:
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