
Some stories never die: in a session last week a woman described how her parents had told a story about her when she was young that was always well intentioned, but became a defining story. She described how she had left that version of herself behind, and yet the story persisted. Only it no longer felt welcoming, comforting, and sweet. Now she felt that it trapped her.

We easily become trapped in stories, sometimes because they are imposed upon us, and at others because we fail to see the walls around us.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider anyone in your system who is trapped by a story.

If that feels difficult, remember that reputation is just a story: one painted upon us.

The story may not be bad: a story of success can put intolerable pressure on us to continue to perform. Just look at the infamous ‘second album syndrome’ that creatively plagues musicians.

It’s hard to excel twice in a row, especially if you are trapped by the legacy.

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