
I was talking about change yesterday, through the lens of stories: how in a social collaborative model of change we can shape a broad narrative, but we need to create space and opportunity for people to write themselves into this.

People tend to want Individual Agency: the ability to be themselves, to have room to stretch out their arms and operate with a degree of independence and power.

Co-created change gives space for this to happen - but with the caveat that i cannot be so directly controlled.

Control may have been an illusion anyway: you cannot make people think like you, no matter how many emails you send them, or Town Halls you host. But you can give them space to write their story alongside yours.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider your story within a broader change narrative. How much space do you think you have - and how does it make you feel?

Change is always hard: it’s an act of violence against the established structure - but even a small amount of agency can change the experience of change!

Quiet Leadership Journey now open

I’ve opened up two new cohorts for Quiet Leadership, with 600 free spaces in total, starting in August - one an early shift, the other a late one, to suite global attendees. You can find out more and sign up .

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