I’ve been camping this weekend: in my pocket, the trusty Swiss Army Knife i picked up a few years ago when touring Switzerland by train. It’s not the only Swiss Army Knife i own, but it was the best one for a camping trip.
My oldest knife is the one i got for my 16th birthday: i still love it, but a couple of tools are bent or broken. It took me a long time to chose it, to decide on the exact combination of tools that would suit my needs.
The new one has no tools at all, just a simple blade.
I quite like the simplicity.
An act of Social Leadership is to reflect upon yourself: do you have all the tools that you need, are any of them bent out of shape, or simply not needed on your current journey?
Use your sixty seconds today to answer a simple question: what do i do that is new?
Just think about things you used to do, but do no longer (for me this would be ‘programming’), as well as things that you do a lot of now (perhaps for me this would be ‘coaching’).
As you will often find, conversations about Quiet Leadership are about small assessments, small actions over time, and often about leaving something behind.
Simplicity in our leadership, clarity of purpose, and small actions today.