I got stuck in a queue yesterday at the pharmacy: i don’t know why but i waited, second in line, for ten minutes. Someone behind me got very agitated, before charging forwards and loudly complaining - before turning to me and trying to get my support for his complaint.
I wanted nothing to do with it, and told him so - they were clearly busy and i’m not sure what he hoped to achieve, but i know which ‘side’ i wanted to be on: the busy healthcare professionals. Not the crazy guy in the queue.
So: with a few sly smiles to share the understanding of the idiot behind me, i got served and went my way.
Misery likes company, but so too do good ideas. We all feel better with a bit of support.
Use your sixty seconds today to think about this: what has it felt like when you’ve had a good ideas, and someone says ‘i’m with you on this’. Or how does it feel when you stand alone?
Do you need validation to move to action? Is action less comfortable, or less effective, without it?
And are there times when you have felt compelled to act alone, or in opposition?
[no video today - i’m on a hectic travel day today and it’s a bit too noisy]