Today we will look into the shadows.
In the Quiet Leadership work we talk about how we act in the light, but we cast a shadow, and some of our impact lands in that shadow. Good people, doing good work, nonetheless cannot see, or care for, the whole of the system around them.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider who is loud, and who is quiet: which voices do you hear all the time, and which ones are less prominent or, perhaps, fall silent.
Especially when we are remote (although not exclusively so) it is easy to mistake presence with connection. Just because you can see someone on Teams, lit up green on Slack, or copied into an email, does not mean that they are in your space or culture.
Perhaps today is a day to reach out, to check in: to ask how someone is, to invite opinion or opportunity, to offer to listen or to help.
This is an act of connection to the system: to walk the fields, to move through the space, to look around, in the light, and into the shadow. It can be hard to do when we are busy, but when we are busiest may be when we need it the most.
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