
This is the end of our week charting Social Leadership, from belief and intention, through action and into impact. And we finish with reflection.

We are who we are: shaped by desire and circumstance. But we can be more. With consideration, with clarity, with integrity, hope, and care. We can tend to the system around us, and the people who inhabit it.

And in doing so, we can care better for ourselves too.

Our post industrial Organisations exist in the fallacy that power is held in hierarchy, safety lies in system and control, and innovation can be conjured on demand. But in reality, power is multi dimensional between formal and social, safety lies between culture and rules, and innovation is an emergent feature of a healthy system.

Healthy because it is fair: valuing both people and profit, community and the society that hosts it.

Use your sixty seconds today to reflect upon your practice: how you inhabit the system, how you change it.

The price that you pay. What you have learned. That’s a lot to consider - but there is a lot to do.

And Social Leaders do what is right, not simply easy.

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