It’s officially a drought where i live now: as i look at the pots i planted up outside my office window in the Spring, i see that some plants have thrived, whilst others have died. Those that i watered and cared for have done better! But no more hosepipes. So some plants may not survive, and we will have to wait for the rain.
In some parts of the world, people are digging up their front lawns to replace them with plastic astroturf. In others, more drought resistant grasses are being used. Perhaps our expectations will need to change?
The Japanese maples i love: they require little care beyond being placed out of direct sun. They just get on with their thing. I have two in pots by the back door.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider how things thrive in your culture: what just copes, what needs a lot of care, and what is dead in the corner? And are there some new things you should grow?
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