I landed in Berlin late and rushed to dinner with a group of people i do not know: there’s no denying that whilst i was made welcome, i did not feel that i belonged. I kind of kicked myself, because i knew that this would be the case: i think i would rather have just done what i normally do and walk around a bit, to tune into the city.
This is a small group of people who have come together from around the world: and this is their time to reconnect, to remind each other of old stories and make some new ones. They do not need a stranger in their midst.
I have today clear, to explore, before i deliver a session this evening, so i guess i will try to find a space to belong: a coffeeshop to write in and a bookshop to browse in? I tend to feel at home in both!
Use your sixty seconds today to think about how you belong in new spaces, and, i guess, how you help others to do so.
I lost nothing tangible by being an outsider last night, except the sense of disconnection that i carried away from it. Probably one role of the Social Leader is to facilitate that connection, to foster community, and hence to broaden and deepen the overall narrative and landscape of ideas that we can explore?
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