I discovered a new Berlin bookshop yesterday, the most incredible place. It carried a range of titles on architecture, art and culture, most of which were obscure, and for the life of me i could not imagine the vision by which it had been set up. It would have been far from certain that such a bookshop could survive, let alone thrive, as it clearly was.
Sometimes, to achieve something, we have to be brilliant. And at other times, ignorance counts. Simply not knowing how to fail, or the established reasons why you may fail. I’m unsure which was true in this case. Maybe a bit of both.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider established wisdom: what have you learnt through the experience and stories of others that you have simply taken to be true? And is it?
Of course, other people’s knowledge and experience is a short cut to learning, but not everything that we learn as truth is actually true. And in the evolving context of the Social Age, that is more true than ever…