
Day #289 - Who Acts in Service?

What types of Organisations do we desire?

One open question i have been exploring in the context of the Social Age is who acts in service of whom? Do people act in service of Organisations, or should Organisations act in service of people, and specifically the local communities that they stand within?

The same can be asked of our structures of society more broadly: does government act in service of people, or do people simply fund and conform to government? The picture in both contexts can, at times, be unclear. Indeed, one of the key ideas that let me to first explore the Social Age was the way that Organisations had spent a considerable chunk of the last forty years commoditising people, and are now reaping the penalties of that as they seek loyalty and discretionary engagement.

Part of this is about the type of Organisation that we need, and part is about the type that we want. Society does not have to be efficient, but it should be our home.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider where your Organisation sits, and where you stand on this.

If you are interested in this topic, you can find more of my writing about society here:

Government - Society - Organisation - Evolution

The Society We Deserve

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