“Humility may not be a state that we attain, but is, perhaps, a light that is shone upon our actions.
It’s not an intention, but rather a judgement. A measurement upon, or a shadow of, our deeds.”
Those are the words i wrote in the first page of ‘The Humble Leader’, and i want to use them for our reflection today.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider how the light is shone.
How do you look upon the actions that others take, and do you have a light to pick out the things that need attention? And who shines a light onto you?
Humility as judgement, as opposed to intention, is a more vulnerable interpretation: it may mean than hoping or intending to be ‘in service’ of a system is not enough. Rather that we need to calibrate our intention with the actual impact.
This work (as with the work here on Social Leadership Daily) is not about an abstract view of perfection, but rather a pragmatic quest. To be in practice. To seek to be, and do, better, but to recognise that we are all imperfect, but striving.
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