
I play out a little Christmas story with the children, using their toy animals as the characters. This morning, River wanted to take one of the animals to school, but instead i suggested we take a Polaroid photo of them (to avoid anyone getting lost in transit!). He agreed, and we dutifully set them all up in their family pose.

Not a natural pose, but a carefully choreographed one (to show Elephant’s best side).

We do this ourselves: we present a carefully curated version of ourselves, which sometimes ‘cracks’ under pressure. We let something slip, we snap, we show our true colours.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider which version of yourself is real: the curated one, or the actor that hides beneath.

And who gets to see which one? And how healthy is this? Does it keep us safe, or simply illustrate how we try to conform. Or something else


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