There are many books on my shelves, some of which i have read. Some of which i will never read.
The books represent the aspiration: the things i wish i knew, the person that i wish i were.
The ones i have read represent the work that i have done, on myself. The steps that i have taken.
The gap represents my imperfection, which i am entirely comfortable with.
I can live two lives: the perfect one on the shelves, and the real one that i inhabit. I can live both of those lives so long as they remain in sight of each other.
We are all busy, and life is as full of the things we have to do as the ones that we want to do.
What matters is to spend at least some time recognising the balance.
Use your sixty seconds today to ask yourself this: is my lived experience within sight of my aspiration?
It’s ok whatever the answer is, but if you feel out of balance, ask yourself why. Is it time, opportunity, or something else?
We all need an impetus to change: if your two selves are strangers, perhaps this is it.
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