This is the third year of Social Leadership Daily, and I have found there is a certain rhythm in things. We have been through three Springs, Summers, Autumns and Winters. And the snowdrops are out again.
I look at the landscape differently now that I have children, partly because I have to narrate it to them, explaining how seeds work, how plants grow, how floods happen, and how the year turns through the seasons.
In doing so I have realised that things are not as clear as I once thought: plants do not just grow in the Spring, flower in the Summer, and die back in the winter. The gorse was flowing in November, my climbing rose put out a bloom for Christmas, and the snowdrops have announced the New Year, again. The flowers seek opportunity: some do not conform. There is a certain comfort in these cycles.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: in your leadership, what comes around again. What is renewed. What is seasonal. What is constant.
There is no one answer to this: use your time to simply consider yourself, within the ecosystem of the Organisation, through the seasons.