Today I will work on what I hope is the final draft manuscript for the Planetary book: it has felt like it is work in progress unfinished and incomplete, for three or four months now, then, suddenly, it felt about right. It feels almost ready to fly.
There is nothing logical about it: I’ve only made changes to around twenty percent of the text in that time, but what felt fractured now feels connected.
In part, I have found reassurance from feedback, with some constructive input and ongoing curiosity. I think people find both comfort and uncertainty in it, which is what I expected, as that is how I have written it.
When published, this book will be neither polished, nor definitive. It is work shared in progress, a passing thought, or part of a conversation, as opposed to any kind of answer, or definitive statement.
It is a work of transition and motion.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider the various types of work you do, and how strongly you have to hold certainty. Where can you be curious, where can you be unsure, and where must you simply be confident and correct?
We all need to perform at times, but if we spend our whole time performing, we lack the space to learn.