Many of the decisions that we make are neither ‘right’ nor ‘wrong’ in absolute terms: they are simply judged so relative to our perspective and reality. Or to put it another way, we often do what we ‘think’ or ‘feel is right, with that judgement grounded in our experience and known system.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider how you see beyond your boundaries: what enables you to ‘look further’ - to see beyond your familiar perspective?
Is it your community, or purely an intellectual effort - or does technology play a role?
We see a media narrative around the ways that our ‘feeds’ are internally self referential and potentially toxic, but ‘feeds’ are only one part of our reality. Many of the choices we make are of our own volition: we stay in spaces that are know, that we like, with people we trust.
The first step in finding a broader perspective may be to find the ability to see the walls.
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