I found myself secretly happy to have found the fault in someone last week: a weakness in their idea, a flaw in their credibility. I did not want to feel like this, but in the moment, i felt like i had won. Which is, perversely, the moment that i lost.
At the very time i found their imperfection, i was so busy staring that i forgot to look for my own. The faults of others, it turns out, are easier to spot that those we have ourselves.
Use your sixty seconds today to think about a fault you can see - and then to wonder where others may lie.
Now it’s possible that, like me, you are almost perfect. But can you spot where ‘almost’ lies?
The problem with perfection is that is most certainly does not lie in the sight of the owner.
My own flaws i redecorate as foibles, quirks, character, or just hide away or paper over. Whilst those of others i can sometime paint red.
We are all imperfect, and that’s ok, so long as we can look beyond our perfection.
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