A couple of people were kind to me yesterday, in different ways: showing support for my work and representing it in their communities. These acts of kindness had an impact: they made my day. Kindness really does count.
In the Quiet Leadership research we see people using hesitant, even anxious, language to describe how kindness operates, almost as if we are not used to talking about it.
We also consider how we tend to ‘spend’ our kindness with people we know, like, or even need. It’s not an evenly distributed or available currency.
So kindness flows around our Organisational systems, but not evenly, and is not experienced the same for everyone, so our experiences of kindness are personal and unique.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider Kindness in your own context:
When was someone last kind to you, and what did that mean?
How conscious is your kindness?
Is it possible to be kind without intending to be?
If you wish to consider this more deeply, think about the times you feel you have energy to spare to be kind, and when you feel too exhausted, and then reflect whether that means your culture overall may be to exhausted to be kind, and if so, what is the overall cost of that?
You can read more about Kindness and the Quiet Leadership research here.
If you are interested in that work, i have just released 300 more free places for the January 2022 Quiet Leadership journey, which you can register for here.
We need to look after each other.