This week i celebrated writing my two thousandth blog post. Not specifically because those posts are good, but more in the knowledge that i’ve had two thousand opportunities to learn what not to think.
I use the principles of #WorkingOutLoud in my own practice: carrying early stage work and thinking into my community, with a recognition that the artefacts that i share are not permanent, but rather transient. They are fragments of thought, or the building blocks from which i can construct later ideas.
Whilst imperfect, this method of thinking, working, sharing, and revising, works well for me.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider where you take your steps: in your discipline, what do you do regularly? Anything, from reading, to making tea or coffee, through to running meetings, or weeding the garden.
Then consider which of those things are acts of busyness, and which are acts of building - which leave a legacy, and which are gone with the wind?
This week so far we have welcomed twelve new subscribers to Social Leadership Daily - joining a global Community of explorers.