I’m trying to throw in one ‘Action Day’ every week: a day to leave this email behind and do something different, in your real world.
Today’s Action Day is about boundaries, and how we cross them.
Most people curate a small selection of spaces where they find their knowledge: CNN or the BBC, perhaps a magazine site, or Twitter, or any of the millions of places where stories are told.
Use your 60 seconds today to take action: think about the spaces you normally inhabit and find somewhere new.
It may be as simple as finding a new News site - not forever, just for today. If you need inspiration, just Google ‘New York Times’ and start there.
Notice how the stories shared there differ from your everyday: what is important to different people, what feels parochial, what feels intriguing, or confusing?
The point of this activity is not specifically to discover something new, but rather to recognise in yourself just how narrow our own boundaries may sometimes be.