As you may have gathered, i’ve been taking a break from this space: partly planned, and partly from necessity.
Early summer i was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of projects i had on the go, with the result that i was not progressing any of them at all well. Three books, two children, alongside a couple of research projects and some actual work…
But more than a matter of productivity, i was feeling trapped by the work, not curious about it. More of a chore than a challenge. So what started as a planned couple of weeks off turned into a couple of months.
I feel i’m coming up for air now: some holiday, and some more focussed work, and i’m getting some momentum again, but not quite ready to relaunch the next season of Social Leadership Daily this week - partly as i’m travelling for a NATO event, and partly as i just don’t feel creatively ready.
So: thanks for your support in this space, and for bearing with me in absence of structured updates. More to follow…
You can still follow my work on the blog or LinkedIn, which i have largely got back to speed on!
Welcome back Julian! It's always important to take time to prioritise our needs so we can best support others :)