Why subscribe?

Social Leadership Daily is a newsletter exploring leadership in the smallest of actions.

In ‘The Social Leadership Handbook’ [2017] i described it as happening at the intersection of formal and social systems.

Your formal power is given to you by your organisation: your social power you earn, through your actions, within your community over time.

That’s what this series will help you to explore: sixty seconds every day that provides you with prompts, questions, challenges, activities and even experiments that you can do to develop your leadership, beyond the system.

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

I also write a daily blog, free now and forever, exploring the broader context of the Social Age, which you can find here.

Subscribe to Social Leadership - Daily

Questions, Activities and Experiments for you to explore Social Leadership in 60 seconds a day.


Author, Researcher, Artist, Explorer of the Social Age. My work explores the intersection of formal and social systems, charting the evolution of Organisations and broader structures of society.