1 Comment

Dear Julian,

Thank you for bringing Social Leadership Daily into the world. The patterns of words, thoughts and actions, I now observe in me I can be directly attributed to Social Leadership Daily. The knowing, being and doing "in practice" gives me a greater sense of belonging. The balance you speak of, I sense is an type of Ecosocial Equilibrium - A dynamic working relationship among a system's interdependent parts. Through my practice a symbol has emerged to represent such, a triple loop type infinity sign modeled on Lemniscate of Bernoulli and inspired by my love of surfable ocean waves. As we near a milestone of 365 days in practice, I am reminded by the continuous and cumulative interplay of the tides, waves and local conditions that show up on our shores. The cycle, seasonal shifts in our southern ocean, the transfer of energy from air to water now radiates out the first of our autumnal / winter swells. http://www.stormsurfing.com/cgi/display.cgi?a=indi_per13 . I feel that Social Leadership Daily is one of the key energy sources for my work, like the storms that start thousands of miles away in the ocean, you create an impactful ripple effect of social change far away from the source. Thank you again for bringing this work and space in to the world. You are a good man and an inspiring guide to help me in my wayfinding. Peace, love and gratitude. David

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