
Each morning I make a decision, whether to cycle along the seafront, or go inland. It’s mainly based on what the wind is doing. Not because I mind cycling in the wind, but because an onshore wind means the tide will have covered the prom in sand, making it impassable by bike. At it was gusting to 41mph this morning I went inland.

The wind creates the landscape anew: it blows the leaves into drifts, or blows them untidily everywhere. It prunes the dead branches from the tress, whips white crests onto the waves, and shames us by redistributing rubbish into plain sight. Today it also blew down the tents of the rough sleepers by the museum.

Each day, the landscape, renewed.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider how the wind blows through your culture.

What does it sweep away, what does it bring into plain sight? How is your culture renewed?

This sixty second thought could as easily be a sixty day one. But go with what immediately springs to mind.

I hope you’re having a great week so far!

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