Hello Everyone,
I hope that you are finding value in Social Leadership Daily: it’s only three weeks old and i am still talking time to find the format and structure that works.
Some days i feel it’s a little long, others feel a little light, and some days it just comes easy!
I am very focussed on this being easy and practical: 60 seconds a day.
I am trying not to trap myself too much in terms of structure and style yet, but to keep it fluid.
With that in mind, i have three things to ask you:
If you have any feedback, please let me know over the next week - what do you want to see more or less of - has anything been particularly valuable, or that you think could be better? Do you prefer more ‘action days’ or more reflection?
If you are enjoying it, please consider sharing it - i hope to build a whole community around this work.
Share your experiences - if you have a story about your own practice, or have aa story you would be willing to share with this community, please get in touch. I hope to build interviews into this series in due course.
Thanks for your support around this work!
Best wishes, Julian
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