
Day 471 - Dialogue with Imperfection

Within our practice

I completed a task yesterday, well behind schedule, and in doing so put a lot of pressure onto a couple of other people. I had not intended to do so, but i had been avoiding the job, so my actions cast a shadow.

I don’t want to dwell on it, but neither do i want to brush it under the carpet.

To be ‘in our practice’ is not about being perfect - as if there were any such thing - but rather it is to be connected to, or in dialogue with, our imperfection.

Not to rationalise things - or defend ourselves - we are, after all, only talking to ourselves in this space - but rather to learn from them.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider how you are in dialogue with your own imperfection.

If you have any. I mean, you’re all pretty great i know!

What does that feel like - and do those feelings colour how you act?