
Day #479 - Planting Bulbs

The smallest parts of your practice

It's a beautiful day here, the sun's out, the sky's blue.

It's very cold but fresh and crisp.

It almost feels like the start of spring.

And of course it reminded me of all those jobs I have to do in the garden.

I've got some bulbs that I should have planted out in October. To enjoy them in the Spring, but they are still sat here in a box waiting to go.

Use your 60 seconds today to think about the small things we do for ourselves within our practice, things that just take a thought or a moment but which sometimes we can neglect.

When we move away from our ideal version of ourselves, when we get caught up in the everyday and the busyness, it's often in these very small steps.

So not a big dramatic New Year's commitment, but what just takes a few seconds, but which can slip from your practice.

Think what that is and how you could create space for it.

I hope you're having a great start to your week.

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