I've been sharing fragments of writing on the blog today.
So this is incomplete work, it's the kind of broken shards of other pieces of writing and I'm pulling them together to share an incomplete story.
And it's a sort of act of uncertainty to do that because it doesn't make sense to me yet so why would it make sense to somebody else? But that act of sharing is part of being engaged or trusting in a community.
I guess similarly to the work we do here is about trusting each other to find momentum in our practice not it's not a case of do this thing and things will be better it's a case of these are the things I'm doing
What can I learn from it?
What can you learn from it?
It's fragmentary, small steps.
So use your 60 seconds today to consider where you hold those fragments, ideas, thoughts, part of yourself which are incomplete, yet you feel somehow have value.
Do you hide them away or can you share them openly?
I hope you're having a good week.
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