I took River out for his first bike ride yesterday. Not his first time on the bike, but the first time that we have gone out not to ‘learn’, but to explore.
Instead of doing loops around the edge of the football field, we set off along the side of the harbour, and he managed 5km, which is pretty good when you are only four years old! I’m really proud of him.
I thought we could consider today how things ‘come together’. The moment when you realise you can do something that you previously could not do. Perhaps it’s a moment when you see yourself in a different light?
Sometimes people describe themselves as a ‘coach’, ‘mentor’, ‘leader’, ‘gardener’, ‘footballer’, ‘poet’, or ‘cook’. For these things, do you have to be fully formed to wear the badge, or is the striving what counts?
Use your sixty seconds today to consider ‘what you are’ - and whether it is fully formed, or a journey.
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