I ran a workshop in the day yesterday, on Inclusive Leadership, then the book launch party for ‘Engines of Engagement’ in the evening. I felt totally full of energy and had some great conversations.
But not today: i slept badly and woke up tired, i’ve been walking in the rain to clear my head, but just feel a bit flat.
I feel ok to share that here, in this community. Because part of being ‘in practice’ is to sometimes be out of sorts. To accept that only on LinkedIn is every day a great day.
I follow a so called leadership account on X that every day gives motivational words that sound powerful and untrue.
That’s not what you get here. If we make this journey into practice, sometimes you’ll have to carry the load too.
So use your sixty seconds today to take the smallest of actions. Locally, directly, for your community.
And i’ll have to let you figure the details out for yourself.
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