As well as taking a break, i’ve been tidying my office.
During the course of this, i found that i had around forty pens sat in various drawers and baskets. Plus the same number of old pencils. And then twenty of so old fine line markers used to illustrate ‘The Humble Leader’. Quite the collection.
Understand that these are just the pens and pencils that are hanging around.
If i look in the cupboard of my art supplies, i also have probably 300 other pencils, plus 150 pastels, and innumerable tubes of watercolours, oils and acrylics.
But just one pair of hands, and only one of those that i tend to use for drawing.
And i am not 500 times a better artist for all this stuff.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider the things that accumulate, and whether they make you better.
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