There are quite a few new people in this community! Whoever you are, wherever you come from, and however you turn up, just know that you are very welcome in this space.
I thought it might be worth revisiting our purpose.
This is a community in practice. Or more accurately, in dialogue with our practice. For sixty seconds a day.
The idea behind this work is that Organisations talk of leadership as a journey of 10,000 steps, but we are only taking the first three. The steps we take today, with each other, in our local community or space. This is about a grounding of ideas into our daily practice.
And as i said, it’s a dialogue - a conversation.
I have nothing to teach you, and you have no test of what you learn. Rather, we turn our lens on ourselves, our environment, and the nature of our practice. And reflect on that together.
Every few weeks we take an Action Day, where we move from reflection to some kind of very pragmatic action, which may be as simple as using our gratitude or trust in service of others.
It’s important to know - especially if you are new - that this is an imperfect space. I too am ‘in dialogue with my practice’, which means i am sometimes tired, sometimes grumpy, sometimes just plain out of ideas, and sometimes (quite often) over excited.
So, welcome to this space.
Use your sixty seconds today to reflect on the step you have taken to be here: not told or ordered, not demanded or pleaded. Just a decision you have taken yourself - your own agency - just sixty seconds to spend on yourself.
You are welcome here, however you turn up.
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