At dinner yesterday i asked River how his day had gone, but got the response that he was too bored to answer…
Well, ever keen to take feedback on the chin, i switched tack and told him he could ask me a question about anything, which seemed to remedy his boredom, because he switched into deep thought before asking me how bees made honey, then engaging in a big conversation about it.
Use your sixty seconds today to think of a question. Perhaps something you have not had time to think about before.
But don’t ask me about it. Use the question to make a connection.
Someone you know well and see often - or someone you know, but would like to know better - or maybe use it to engage with someone you do not know at all - an open question into a community.
And if you don’t have the community, try to find one.
Perhaps you will ask a question, or maybe you won’t. If you don’t, ask yourself why. Is it because you fear to share your ignorance, or you don’t have the space, or connections, or time to do so? Or something else?
Ok - if you get stuck you can ask me - but i can’t promise i’ll know the answer… unless it’s about bees!
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