It’s the end of the week - a short week here in the UK - and my mind turns to the things i have failed to do. A key piece of writing, finishing building the studio, mowing the lawn… it’s a long list.
But i’ve also done some good work, had some great conversations, met up with my Crew Mates to just enjoy each others company, and spent time reading and singing with the children.
So which way do i look?
To that which i’ve achieved, or to those things i’ve failed to do?
I guess that the correct answer is ‘balance’ - somewhere between the two, but for our space and community here, today, i want you to see the glass as pretty much full.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider a small thing that you have achieved.
Just note how easily your thoughts slip away from this, to the tasks outstanding, or the failures.
How good are you at noting and recognising your successes, especially the small ones?
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