I’m really working hard on balance at the moment: specifically to include time for reading in my day. It feels like an unnecessary luxury, but when i make the time to do it, it changes how i think.
Currently i’m revisiting reading on semiotics and linguistics, which i last read twenty years ago. It was confounding me then, and it still does now. I have empathy with the writer who described it as
I’m spending twice as long making notes as i am on actually reading anything. But at the same time, it’s starting to inhabit my thoughts: whilst i could not write something coherent from memory, i feel i’m getting to grips with it.
This idea of balance is challenging: it does not mean ‘relaxing’, but perhaps more something about sustainability. If we are out of balance, we may fall. But equally if we are too far ‘in balance’, we may never move.
Perhaps it’s about mastering the movement.
Use your sixty seconds today to consider what ‘balance’ means for you.
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