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Day #592 - Inclusions

Weaving Culture

Over on the Blog i’ve been sharing new work on ‘Culture Weaving’, the idea that culture has structure (like a web) and then many hands weave ‘themselves’ into this, to create the larger picture. When i shared this work yesterday, i talked about ‘inclusions’, about putting something we have found, or made, into the picture.

This is almost an idea of deliberately bringing in an impurity of anomaly, but something we have imbued with value. Finding value in imperfection, in the imagined.

I kind of like this idea: that culture is both our perfect self, but also the clutter that we bring with us.

Use your sixty seconds today to consider this: what would you weave into the tapestry?

A story? An experience? A fear? Part of your identity? A secret? A hope? A belief? Your trust? A pebble of an idea that you found? Something interesting you picked up along the way?

Culture is a common delusion: woven by many hands, within a context that is imposed (or imagined). So it is not as real as the wind, but it bears down upon us nonetheless.

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Social Leadership - Daily
Social Leadership - Daily
Social Leadership Daily provides 60 seconds of questions, ideas, experiments and challenges to support your development as a Social Leader.